The Impact of Cold Weather on Rooftop Heating and Air Units: A Guide by MSD, Inc.

As winter approaches, it’s crucial to understand how cold weather can affect rooftop heating and air conditioning (HVAC) units. This knowledge is not just for the sake of maintaining a comfortable indoor environment but also for ensuring the longevity and efficiency of your HVAC system. At MSD, Inc., we recognize these challenges and can develop a custom service maintenance plan tailored to help your facility run smoothly, regardless of the weather conditions.

1. The Effects of Cold Weather on Rooftop HVAC Units

  • Increased Mechanical Strain: Low temperatures can cause metal components to contract, leading to increased mechanical strain. This can result in the accelerated wear and tear of parts such as fan blades, bearings, and belts.
  • Condensation and Freezing Issues: Moisture that condenses on the coils and other parts of the HVAC system can freeze in cold weather. This can lead to blockages and reduced efficiency, and in some cases, can cause significant damage to the system.
  • Thermostat and Control Issues: Extremely cold temperatures can affect the accuracy of thermostats and other control systems. This may lead to inefficient operation and increased energy consumption.
  • Increased Energy Demand: HVAC systems have to work harder to maintain indoor temperatures during cold weather. This results in higher energy consumption and increased operational costs.

2. Mitigating the Effects with MSD, Inc.’s Custom Service Maintenance Plan

  • Understanding these challenges, MSD, Inc. can develop a custom service maintenance plan to help your facility’s HVAC system withstand the rigors of cold weather:
  • Regular Inspections: Our plan may include frequent inspections to identify and address any wear and tear or potential issues before they escalate into major problems.
  • Thorough Cleaning and Calibration: We can ensure that all components, including coils and filters, are cleaned regularly to prevent freezing and blockages. Additionally, we can calibrate thermostats and controls to ensure they operate accurately and efficiently.
  • Component Upgrades and Replacements: Where necessary, we would and carry out upgrades or replacements of parts that are not suited to withstand colder temperatures.
  • Energy Efficiency Audits: We can conduct energy audits to identify areas where your HVAC system may be consuming more energy than necessary and suggest ways to improve efficiency.
  • Emergency Response Services: In the event of a system breakdown, our team is on standby to provide quick and effective solutions, minimizing any downtime for your facility.

3. The Bottom Line

  • Cold weather can pose significant challenges to rooftop HVAC units, but with the right preparation and maintenance plan, these challenges can be effectively managed. MSD, Inc.’s custom service maintenance plan is designed to keep your facility’s HVAC system running smoothly and efficiently throughout the winter months.


To develop a comprehensive understanding of the effects of cold weather on rooftop HVAC units and the best practices for maintenance, we have consulted various reliable sources in the HVAC industry. These include:

“HVAC Systems and Outdoor Air Temperature: Managing in Extreme Conditions,” HVAC Maintenance & Technology Magazine.
“Winterizing Your Commercial HVAC System,” Building Services Management Journal.
“The Impact of Cold Weather on HVAC Efficiency,” Energy Management Association.
For more information about MSD, Inc.’s custom service maintenance plan and how it can benefit your facility, please visit our website or contact our customer service team.

WPAFB Sensors Lab

Wright-Patt Air Force Base sought contractors to renovate and add onto the Sensors Lab. The HVAC portion of the project was over $13 million.

  • MSD served as the Design Assist Contractor in conjunction with Heapy Engineering for this project. In collaborating with General Contractor, Butt Construction, MSD provided Design Assist solutions for the following:
    • A large, anechoic chamber
    • An outdoor range
    • Multiple, Class-100 clean rooms
    • A three-story office building addition with DCID 6-9 requirements on many of the rooms

WPAFB Chilled Water System

The chilled water system at a high-security building on the Air Force Base was undersized and unable to keep up with demand. The facility could not operate without chilled water due to the amount of information servers in the building, and the general nature of the building itself. The entire upgrade project would need to be completed with minimal shut down time at the building. HVAC portion of this project was over $3 million.

  • MSD worked in collaboration with Diaz Construction to complete the system upgrades on time and on budget with minimal shutdowns or disruption to the facility operations.

LJB, Inc.

LJB, Inc. was renovating their Miamisburg, OH office and wanted to incorporate energy-saving upgrades.

  • MSD provided Design Build services in tandem with Greensleeves Energy Solutions, a specialist in geothermal systems.
  • MSD and Greensleeves installed a new geothermal HVAC system with open and closed loops. In addition, MSD design and installed the plumbing portion of the renovation.