PHCC Future President Elect

I was raised in various towns in Southwest Ohio growing up with the best parents I could have asked for. Growing up I was blessed to be educated in trades work as well as lucky enough to spend time in Mexico as a foreign exchange student. I learned a lot about the value of the freedom we are fortunate enough to have in the United States. I currently reside in Kettering, Ohio with my wife Cheryl. We will be married 25 years in October of 2021. I have an amazing hard-working stepdaughter, Sydney, and her husband David to spend time with. On the weekends I enjoy hunting & applying at least 6 coats of wax on my Jeep Wrangler. My wife and I also enjoy the beaches and spending time on cruises.

Lucky for me I was fortunate to start at a very young age receiving hands-on training.  I started in the trade field at the age of 10 in my father’s commercial refrigeration company. I started out aggravating the technicians and hanging out in the service trucks. I spent every one of my days off school learning from valuable people who taught me the value of customer service. The rewarding feeling to fix something that was a burden to others was motivating for me.  Overall, I have gained 42 years of experience. I received instructional training from many co-workers and manufacturers during my time in the refrigeration field. Scotsman Ice System offered me the position of factory trainer where I was able to travel to service companies and provide their employees with the Manufacturer’s Technical Service Information. Throughout my time of gaining experience, I have attended multiple sales training and personal growth development courses such as Dale Carnegie, Sandler Sales Training, Ed Foreman Successful Life Courses, and Zig Ziglar Courses.

When it comes to picking a career in trades…my first bit of advice is to pick a career that gets you up in the morning. I never have the “Monday Blues” meaning most people dread Sundays because they know Monday morning is right around the corner. In the trades, you will be doing meaningful tasks that affect those around you. Their comfort levels predict the start of their day – will it be a good day? a bad day? In the trade field, the goal is to have any customers or clients have a great day. Sometimes it might take a little extra work to get them to that point but that is all part of the reward. The best part of my career is each day is different. We are faced with different tasks and issues; our job is to resolve them. Every day ends with those who were affected by the issue gaining their comfort back. Providing resolutions that create a satisfied customer is the goal.

MSD, Inc has founded over 35 years ago and continues to be a family-owned business built on a reputation of quality work, service, and integrity. Our focus is to work as a committed partner from conceptual design through project completion and beyond. We value the opportunity to work as a committed partner and take pride in assuring our client’s expectations are met and or exceeded on a consistent basis. Our values and commitment drive me each day to make sure we are always providing the best to our clients.

As Strategic Account Manager, I focus on strengthening and building relationships with our clients. My goal is to ensure quality and value are always delivered. Our team has created a client-centric model. Our Client-Centric Model is based on Securing, Maintaining, Supporting, and Retaining Client Relationships through active listening, communicating, and delivering on promises. We provide phenomenal service with a ‘Live it, Breathe it’ mindset, exceeding client expectations.

Being a PHCC/AACO Ohio member means the world to me. I had not involved myself in organizations prior to this one but have found there are other members who have the same commitment to quality and value in the solutions they provide much like myself. Although I am not a business owner, these folks are not only dedicated to their customers but also to their employees and families affected by their daily business decisions. As president-elect of PHCC there is one perpetual thing I would like to see achieved during my tenure: keeping the integrity of the organizations and the trade. I want to be an advocate for licensed contractors so the consumer can trust the work being provided.


-Joe Shank

WPAFB Sensors Lab

Wright-Patt Air Force Base sought contractors to renovate and add onto the Sensors Lab. The HVAC portion of the project was over $13 million.

  • MSD served as the Design Assist Contractor in conjunction with Heapy Engineering for this project. In collaborating with General Contractor, Butt Construction, MSD provided Design Assist solutions for the following:
    • A large, anechoic chamber
    • An outdoor range
    • Multiple, Class-100 clean rooms
    • A three-story office building addition with DCID 6-9 requirements on many of the rooms

WPAFB Chilled Water System

The chilled water system at a high-security building on the Air Force Base was undersized and unable to keep up with demand. The facility could not operate without chilled water due to the amount of information servers in the building, and the general nature of the building itself. The entire upgrade project would need to be completed with minimal shut down time at the building. HVAC portion of this project was over $3 million.

  • MSD worked in collaboration with Diaz Construction to complete the system upgrades on time and on budget with minimal shutdowns or disruption to the facility operations.

LJB, Inc.

LJB, Inc. was renovating their Miamisburg, OH office and wanted to incorporate energy-saving upgrades.

  • MSD provided Design Build services in tandem with Greensleeves Energy Solutions, a specialist in geothermal systems.
  • MSD and Greensleeves installed a new geothermal HVAC system with open and closed loops. In addition, MSD design and installed the plumbing portion of the renovation.